Letzter Beitrag: 07.02.2011, 11:08
Software update 1.1 for new Symbian devices
Zitat: Software update 1.1 for new Symbian devices

GLOBAL –Nokia today releases software update 1.1 for the new Symbian devices – the Nokia N8, C7 and C6-01. While the new Symbian software offered great performance and features from launch, the updates will make it even smoother to use.

Most of the updated features are not directly visible to end users, but together, they will enhance the user experience of each Symbian device. Both the quality and the stability of the devices will be further enhanced. In addition to numerous tweaks and fixes, there’s also some new content. More details below.

1. Meeting requests can be accepted directly from email invitations;
2. Maps integration in email, which means people can view the meeting location on the map when the address is mentioned in the location field in the invite.

3. For Nokia N8 users:
a. New Quick Office 6.4 editor version, which offers editing possibilities and allows zooming in & out in Word documents.
b. Three high quality games will also be preloaded on new devices – Need for Speed Shift, Real Golf and Galaxy on Fire. (In some countries, Need for Speed is replaced with Asphalt 5). For current N8 users, these are available for free from Ovi Suite & Ovi Store.

You’ll be able get the update through Software Update on your device or using Ovi Suite. We’re warned that the update may be quite a large download, especially for Nokia N8 users. So make sure you’re on a free WiFi service when you choose to update or use Ovi Suite to install it.

The standard, non-customised version of the software is available from today. Country (SIM-free) and operator-specific variants will follow soon.

We continue to enhance our smartphone experience throughout the 2011. Today’s update is not the last one you will see by far – be assured that there are further goodies on the way.

Quelle: conversations.nokia.com
[Bild: 3tk-shay.gif]
Zitieren #1
Text Re: Software update 1.1 for new Symbian devices
Cool. 8)
[Bild: logo_nokia_115_40_1b.gif]
Zitieren #2
Text Re: Software update 1.1 for new Symbian devices
The software versions for the Nokia N8 and C6-01 will be available early next week.
schaun wa mal .................
Zitieren #3
Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 04.02.2011, 15:49 von endzeit.
RE: Software update 1.1 for new Symbian devices
Zitat:Original von Ansti
The software versions for the Nokia N8 and C6-01 will be available early next week.
X( Muss das so lange dauern!?
[Bild: logo_nokia_115_40_1b.gif]
Zitieren #4
Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 07.02.2011, 20:36 von sway-67.
Text Re: Software update 1.1 for new Symbian devices
Die neue Firmeware für das N8 soll Laut einem User im TT seit heute draußen sein

Sein Product Code: 0599762 (selbigen habe ich auch)

PR 1.1
sw 013.016
datum 2011.01.27
datum sonderversion 2011.01.27
browser 7.2
flash 4.0
java 2.1


1. Web is updated from to
2. QuickOffice is updated from 6.2.651 to 6.4.166
3. Adobe Reader LE is updated from 2.5.560 to 2.5.653
4. Landscape dialer
5. Minor improvement in overall performance and some bugs fixed

Für die Product Code ist die FW schon verfügbar:

Zitat:0599324: apac1_blu_cambodia
0599322: apac1_blu_indonesia
0599321: apac1_blu_malaysia
0599320: apac1_blu_singapore
0599247: apac1_dg_cambodia
0599246: apac1_dg_indonesia
0599245: apac1_dg_malaysia
0599243: apac1_dg_singapore
0599300: apac1_gr_cambodia
0599299: apac1_gr_indonesia
0599298: apac1_gr_malaysia
0599297: apac1_gr_singapore
0599338: apac1_or_cambodia
0599337: apac1_or_indonesia
0599336: apac1_or_malaysia
0599335: apac1_or_singapore
0599267: apac1_wh_cambodia
0599266: apac1_wh_indonesia
0599264: apac1_wh_malaysia
0599261: apac1_wh_singapore
0599326: apac2_blu_australia
0599329: apac2_blu_bangladesh
0599328: apac2_blu_emerging_asia
059B823: apac2_blu_nepal
0599327: apac2_blu_new_zealand
0599325: apac2_blu_philippines
059B939: apac2_blu_sri_lanka
0599249: apac2_dg_australia
0599254: apac2_dg_bangladesh
0599251: apac2_dg_emerging_asia
059B819: apac2_dg_nepal
0599250: apac2_dg_new_zealand
0599248: apac2_dg_philippines
059B936: apac2_dg_sri_lanka
0599302: apac2_gr_australia
0599305: apac2_gr_bangladesh
0599304: apac2_gr_emerging_asia
059B822: apac2_gr_nepal
0599303: apac2_gr_new_zealand
0599301: apac2_gr_philippines
059B938: apac2_gr_sri_lanka
0599340: apac2_or_australia
0599344: apac2_or_bangladesh
0599342: apac2_or_emerging_asia
059B825: apac2_or_nepal
0599341: apac2_or_new_zealand
0599339: apac2_or_philippines
059B940: apac2_or_sri_lanka
0599271: apac2_wh_australia
0599277: apac2_wh_bangladesh
0599275: apac2_wh_emerging_asia
059B821: apac2_wh_nepal
0599273: apac2_wh_new_zealand
0599268: apac2_wh_philippines
059B937: apac2_wh_sri_lanka
0599902: balkans_blu
0599903: balkans_blu_serbia
0599774: balkans_dg
0599775: balkans_dg_serbia
0599850: balkans_gr
0599851: balkans_gr_serbia
0599925: balkans_or
0599927: balkans_or_serbia
0599831: balkans_wh
0599832: balkans_wh_serbia
0599904: baltian_blu
0599776: baltian_dg
0599852: baltian_gr
0599930: baltian_or
0599833: baltian_wh
0599234: brazil_blue
0599221: brazil_dark_grey
0599229: brazil_green
0599241: brazil_orange
0599225: brazil_white
0599901: cis_blu
0599003: cis_blu_belarus
0599773: cis_dg
0598983: cis_dg_belarus
0599849: cis_gr
0598999: cis_gr_belarus
059D358: cis_kazakhstan_blu
059D355: cis_kazakhstan_dg
059D357: cis_kazakhstan_gr
059D359: cis_kazakhstan_or
059D356: cis_kazakhstan_wh
0599921: cis_or
0599008: cis_or_belarus
0599830: cis_wh
0598992: cis_wh_belarus
0599892: euro1_blu_alps
0599891: euro1_blu_france
0599857: euro1_blu_italy
0599890: euro1_blu_malta
0599001: euro1_blu_uk_ireland
0599758: euro1_dg_alps
0599756: euro1_dg_france
0599750: euro1_dg_italy
0599751: euro1_dg_malta
0598980: euro1_dg_uk_ireland
0599840: euro1_gr_alps
0599839: euro1_gr_france
0599836: euro1_gr_italy
0599838: euro1_gr_malta
0598997: euro1_gr_uk_ireland
0599911: euro1_or_alps
0599910: euro1_or_france
0599907: euro1_or_italy
0599908: euro1_or_malta
0599006: euro1_or_uk_ireland
0599817: euro1_wh_alps
0599816: euro1_wh_france
0599814: euro1_wh_italy
0599815: euro1_wh_malta
0598986: euro1_wh_uk_ireland
0599893: euro2_blu
0599894: euro2_blu_germany
0599895: euro2_blu_turkey
0599761: euro2_dg
0599762: euro2_dg_germany
0599764: euro2_dg_turkey
0599841: euro2_gr
0599842: euro2_gr_germany
0599843: euro2_gr_turkey
0599912: euro2_or
0599913: euro2_or_germany
0599914: euro2_or_turkey
0599819: euro2_wh
0599820: euro2_wh_germany
0599821: euro2_wh_turkey
0599896: euro3_blu
0599766: euro3_dg
0599823: euro3_ds
0599844: euro3_gr
0599915: euro3_or
0599906: hispania_blu
0599778: hispania_dg
0599855: hispania_gr
0599933: hispania_or
0599835: hispania_wh
0598806: hong_kong_blue
0598794: hong_kong_dark_grey
0598803: hong_kong_green
0598809: hong_kong_orange
0598799: hong_kong_silver_white
0599330: india_blu
0599255: india_dg
0599313: india_gr
0599346: india_or
0599278: india_wh
0599905: israel_blu
0599777: israel_dg
0599853: israel_gr
0599931: israel_or
0599834: israel_wh
0599231: lta_blue
0599232: lta_blue_argentina
059B3X6: lta_blue_chile
059F6K3: lta_blue_costa_rica
0599219: lta_dark_grey
0599220: lta_dark_grey_argentina
059B3W9: lta_dark_grey_chile
059F6K0: lta_dark_grey_costa_rica
0599227: lta_green
0599228: lta_green_argentina
059B3X4: lta_green_chile
059F6K2: lta_green_costa_rica
0599239: lta_orange
0599240: lta_orange_argentina
059B3X7: lta_orange_chile
059F6K4: lta_orange_costa_rica
0599223: lta_white
0599224: lta_white_argentina
059B3X3: lta_white_chile
059F6K1: lta_white_costa_rica
059D236: mea_omu_blu
059D239: mea_omu_dg
059D237: mea_omu_gr
059D235: mea_omu_or
059D238: mea_omu_wh
0599456: mea1_blu
0599387: mea1_dg
0599435: mea1_gr
0599469: mea1_or
0599422: mea1_wh
0599464: mea10_blu
0599397: mea10_dg
0599443: mea10_gr
0599479: mea10_or
0599430: mea10_wh
0599465: mea11_blu
0599398: mea11_dg
0599444: mea11_gr
0599480: mea11_or
0599431: mea11_wh
0599466: mea12_blu
0599399: mea12_dg
0599445: mea12_gr
0599481: mea12_or
0599432: mea12_wh
0599467: mea13_blu
0599400: mea13_dg
0599446: mea13_gr
0599482: mea13_or
0599433: mea13_wh
0599468: mea14_blu
0599401: mea14_dg
0599447: mea14_gr
0599483: mea14_or
0599434: mea14_wh
0599457: mea2_blu
0599390: mea2_dg
0599436: mea2_gr
0599470: mea2_or
0599423: mea2_wh
0599458: mea3_blu
0599391: mea3_dg
0599437: mea3_gr
0599471: mea3_or
0599424: mea3_wh
0599459: mea4_blu
0599392: mea4_dg
0599438: mea4_gr
0599472: mea4_or
0599425: mea4_wh
0599460: mea6_blu_syria
0599393: mea6_dg_syria
0599439: mea6_gr_syria
0599474: mea6_or_syria
0599426: mea6_wh_syria
0599461: mea8_blu
0599462: mea8_blu_sudan
0599394: mea8_dg
0599395: mea8_dg_sudan
0599440: mea8_gr
0599441: mea8_gr_sudan
0599475: mea8_or
0599476: mea8_or_sudan
0599427: mea8_wh
0599428: mea8_wh_sudan
0599463: mea9_blu
0599396: mea9_dg
0599442: mea9_gr
0599478: mea9_or
0599429: mea9_wh
059C9F6: N8-00 RM-596 Orange UK GB V2 MR Dark Grey
059D4S1: N8-00 RM-596 T-Mobile UK GB Dark Grey v2
059D4S1: N8-00 RM-596 T-Mobile UK GB Dark Grey v2 MR
0599230: nam_blue
0599218: nam_dark_grey
0599226: nam_green
0599236: nam_orange
0599222: nam_white
0599002: russian_blu
0599900: russian_blu_bulgaria_romania
0599899: russian_blu_hungary
0599898: russian_blu_moldova
0599897: russian_blu_ukraine
0598981: russian_dg
0599772: russian_dg_bulgaria_romania
0599771: russian_dg_hungary
0599769: russian_dg_moldova
0599767: russian_dg_ukraine
0598998: russian_gr
0599848: russian_gr_bulgaria_romania
0599847: russian_gr_hungary
0599846: russian_gr_moldova
0599845: russian_gr_ukraine
0599007: russian_or
0599920: russian_or_bulgaria_romania
0599919: russian_or_hungary
0599918: russian_or_moldova
0599917: russian_or_ukraine
0598988: russian_wh
0599829: russian_wh_bulgaria_romania
0599827: russian_wh_hungary
0599826: russian_wh_moldova
0599824: russian_wh_ukraine
0599005: scandinavia_blu
0598984: scandinavia_dg
0599000: scandinavia_gr
0599009: scandinavia_or
0598996: scandinavia_wh
0598805: taiwan_blue
0598786: taiwan_dark_grey
0598802: taiwan_green
0598808: taiwan_orange
0598798: taiwan_silver_white
0599334: thailand_blu
0599258: thailand_dg
0599316: thailand_gr
0599360: thailand_or
0599281: thailand_wh
0599332: vietnam_blu
0599256: vietnam_dg
0599314: vietnam_gr
0599359: vietnam_or
0599280: vietnam_wh

Ich werde mal eben das Update via FOTA runterladen.
Das Update ist 7237kb groß.

Ich hätte mal UMTS einschalten sollen, dann würde das schneller gehen Big Grin
[Bild: 3tk-shay.gif]
Zitieren #5
Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 07.02.2011, 11:19 von scholz786.
RE: Software update 1.1 for new Symbian devices
ich habe die Gerade drauf gemacht die neue firmware 013.16

Testergebnisse kommen

guckt mal hier habe ich mal bei Nokia eingeben

[Bild: ymul9skqde2e.jpg]

[Bild: l3mjl5oa6kvh.jpg]
Nokia N8-00
Produktcode: 0599762

FW: 014.008
Ovi Karten 3.06 10 KW 50 b03

Sony Erisscon Arc


Zitieren #6
RE: Software update 1.1 for new Symbian devices
Jup die hab ich auch seit Heute druff(sw 013.016) Tongue
(:) Freue mich über eine nette Bewertung:))
Zitieren #7