Letzter Beitrag: 22.07.2010, 19:03
Spb Software Spb TV v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Signed Regged-catymag
Spb Software Spb TV v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Signed Regged

[Bild: spb_tv_brings_browser.jpg]

[Bild: spb_tv_brings_floating.jpg]

Spb TV Brings Streaming TV To Symbian By The Guru on May 20th, 2009
Spb Software House has released yet another hot title for Symbian-powered smartphones,Spb TV. This app, which was released a few weeks ago for Windows Mobile-powered smartphones, brings a host of online, streaming TV channels into a single app for your phone. Youll also be excited to know that there will be both a free version and a paid version, with a few differences. Read on for our review, and to see what youll need to pay to get.Spb TV is available today for all current Symbian-powered smartphones. I was able to test it on the Nokia E63, N79, and 5800 XpressMusic, with no problems on any of the handsets. You can use either 3G or WiFi to tune in, as well. EDGE is supported, but notrecommended, as you might imagine.There are two main views in Spb TV that allow you to easily browse through the available channels - Browser mode and TV Guide mode. In Browser mode, seen below, you get a thumbnail preview of the station, as well as a scrollable list of the available channels. This thumbnail is not a live preview, but rather a snapshot of the current programming. This allows you to quickly scroll through the list of channels with as little loading time between each channel change, for a true channel surfing experience.In TV Guide mode, the thumbnail preview is replaced by two panels, the date and the guide. The channel lineup is still presentedalong the bottom edge of the display, and the guide panel either gives you a short description of the channel, or the hourly content guide, when available. The date obviously coincides with the hourly content guide, allowing you to see whats coming up onyour favorite channels.If you find something that you like in the hourly content guide, you can simply click on it to instantly create a calendar entryof that show, stored in your phones local calendar! This way, you never miss your favorite shows because you forgot.You can also customize the channel list, so that only the channels you want are shown in the list. In addition, you can rearrange those channels, so that your favorite ones are listed at the beginning, so that you have less scrolling.While youre watching a channel, if youd like to see what else is on, Spb have included a really cool picture-in-picture mode, so that you can continue watching your channel, even while you try to see what else is on. I found this to be really smooth, with only a few seconds delay over WiFi when switching channels.After playing with it for a few days, Im quite impressed with Spb TV myself. On the 5800 XpressMusic, its really smooth, even on that large display, and the floating touch controls are nicely implemented. While most of the foreign language channels are of little use to me, there are quite a few local stations, specifically if you live in the Los Angeles, CA area. The free versionof Spb TV offers limited channel access, and does not allow for the calendar reminder settings.

[/CENTER]Download warte auf Bedankomat

So bitte für alle die nicht mehr Dailyme benutzen wollen..
Key ist dabei..

MFG Aienka
[Bild: CounterStrike_banner.jpg]
Über Bewertungen freue ich mich immer
~~Nokia N95-8GB~~
Zitieren #1
RE: Spb Software Spb TV v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Signed Regged-catymag

danke erst mal. Gibt es auch ne Auflistung welche Programme man empfangen kann?

Zitieren #2
Text RE: Spb Software Spb TV v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Signed Regged-catymag
sowies aussieht entweder nru english oder wie bei zattoo nur weniger...
*~NOKIA N95 8GB~*
Installieren ohne Signieren
N~GAGE mit MASSIG Spielen

Mein Guide für die Hacks, N~GAGE und co!
Zitieren #3
Text RE: Spb Software Spb TV v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Signed Regged-catymag
Funktioniert das Programm eigentlich auch unter S60V5 / 5800 XPressMusic?
Zitieren #4
Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 26.05.2009, 11:09 von FS61.
RE: Spb Software Spb TV v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Signed Regged-catymag
Na dann, wers braucht...

@Joe: Les dir mal den obige Text durch da steht im letzten Drittel was ansonsten -> ausprobieren Wink
Zitieren #5
Text RE: Spb Software Spb TV v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Signed Regged-catymag
Oh, naklar. Da steht's ja... man sollte eben erst lesen, bevor man fragt.
Aber Danke für den Hinweis Smile
Ich probier's gleich mal aus.
Zitieren #6
Text RE: Spb Software Spb TV v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Signed Regged-catymag
Hallo...Ich hab das Programm erfolgreich auf meinem Vivaz installiert, nur ich hab kein Ton... Was könnte das sein?
Zitieren #7
RE: Spb Software Spb TV v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Signed Regged-catymag
Zitat:Original von Sabata
Hallo...Ich hab das Programm erfolgreich auf meinem Vivaz installiert, nur ich hab kein Ton... Was könnte das sein?
Ich habe es auch installiert.........es läuft bei mir auch ohne Ton.........hat jemand schon eine Lösung
MfG Speedster829 :]

:lamp: hier noch ein paar Links zum uploaden :lamp:


Zitieren #8
Text Re: Spb Software Spb TV v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Signed Regged-catymag
Dankr für alles, echt klasse!
Zitieren #9
Text Re: Spb Software Spb TV v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Signed Regged-catymag
Danke.Ich werde demnext probieren auf mein N95.
Zitieren #10