Letzter Beitrag: 09.09.2009, 10:59
Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 29.07.2009, 09:59 von flecky2006.
RE: Hilfe bei QuickOffice auf dem 5800
Hab es hin bekommen eine Anleitung .:

NOTE: Your Nokia 5800 must first be hacked so that it can install unsigned files before you can use this tutorial. To prepare/hack your Nokia 5800, please follow the instructions from this link (follow the FP2 instructions):

Noticed alot of people having issues with finding an adequate editable office suite for the Nokia 5800, and decided to drop a quick tutorial on how to install Quickoffice on the Nokia 5800.

This guide will help you install the following at the end with a functional keyboard:
Quickoffice Premier 6.1.91

Files you will need:
Nokia N80 Quickoffice Viewer (from the Nokia Website)

Virtual Keboard 0.9.4 Mod

QuickOffice.Premier.Upgrade.v6.1.91.Cracked.withou t.quickoffice_LM.
(or any Quickoffice Premier Upgrade version you want, but I recommend this one because it's the newest one out, and it has no License Manager which conflicts with alot of different software)

Installation Guide (Please follow carefully):
1. Install WFvirtualKeyboard_0.9.4.mod.sis

2. *UPDATE* the new VirtualKeyBoard mod comes with two skins including the new improved V_K v2 (english) skin.

3. Install Nokia_N80_Quickoffice.sis into your phone memory (not memory card, or else you will get update error on Step 4)

4. Install QuickOffice.Premier.Upgrade.v6.1.91.S60v3.SymbianO S9.1.Unsigned.Cracked.Read(NO_LM).sis (or whichever version you got)

5. Run Virtual Keyboard (it's a file with 4 Chinese Words). The two menu buttons at the bottom are (OPTIONS) (HIDE). Hide the Virtual Keyboard Menu.

To use the Keyboard:
English Skin Installed: click the V_K floating icon to expand a menu to select your keyboard.

No Skin: click the + to expand the Directional Pad into a full Numeric Pad.

6. Run QuickOffice

7. Use QuickOffice with the Virtual Keyboard.

8. Enjoy QuickOffice on your Nokia 5800!
Wissen ist Macht , nicht`s wissen macht nichts !!!
Zitieren #3

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RE: Hilfe bei QuickOffice auf dem 5800
29.07.2009, 07:10
von flecky2006

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