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Nokia-Tuning.net - Gizmoratty - 01.02.2008

I deeply apologise, but I cannot speak German Sad. I am also sorry if this has been posted in the wrong section, but I am hoping you can help me.

I have been browsing the Nokia Tuning website (I noticed it was 'Powered' by Nokia Port), and I am very interested in the model type list

Can anyone tell me, where this type of information is sourced from? I would like to know how reliable it is

Thankyou very much for any help I receive! Big Grin

EDIT: My friend has helped me to translate this Big Grin

Ich habe mich auf der Nokia Tuning Seite umgesehen (habe festgestellt, dass sie von Nokia Port gepowert wird) und ich bin sehr an der Modelltypenliste interessiert .

Kann mir irgendjemand sagen woher die Seite ihre Informationen hat? Ich würde gerne wissen wie verlässlich diese sind.

Ich bin dankbar für jede Hilfe!

RE: Nokia-Tuning.net - [ExiTuS] - 01.02.2008

hi gizmarotty,
nice to see non-german population in this forum Smile

I build up this type list and get/got my information from different sources, e.g. many comes from Nokia documents, others from regulatory authoritiies and so on... i always compare types with different sources to play it safe Wink
so you have not to be in doupt about this list. It is 99% relieble and serious!!!


RE: Nokia-Tuning.net - Gizmoratty - 01.02.2008

Thankyou very much for the warm welcome! Big Grin

I'm glad to hear this is reliable information, as I'm rather intruiged with the mentioning of the N95-6 (RM 321). I have heard nothing official of this version being released and was assuming it was an upcoming model

I'm keen to get this information out to our community at N95Users.com and Nokiausers.net

RE: Nokia-Tuning.net - Delikanli55 - 01.02.2008

Hey hier wird Deutsch gesprochen !!!!
Gleiches Recht für alle

RE: Nokia-Tuning.net - Gizmoratty - 01.02.2008


Hehe Tongue