
N 97 Fw 12.0.026

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N 97 Fw 12.0.026 - ferrengi - 30.09.2009

was ist eigentlich neu bei der FW 12.0.026?
weiß das jemand?

RE: N 97 Fw 12.0.026 - kiwii - 30.09.2009

sind nur ein paar sachen gefixt worden, nix besonders..
neuerungen kommen dann ab v20..


- Fix for browser cache consuming more than specified in C drive
- Battery indictor showing wrong status (2-3bars) when charging completes
- Firmware over the air (FOTA) setting correction
- User interaction to device while FOTA may cause need for user to power on/off
- Fix for calendar entry lost
- Fix for mail that may get duplicated
- Fix to resolve GPRS access point selection even if WLAN access point is available
- Fix to not to ask user to do new profile while there is already one available
- Fix to display messaging application correctly when theme effect is set to ON
- Fix for Ovi store client may not properly installed if user has a client already installed earlier version

Applications changes:- Ovi store application is now updated

0587243: N97 Belgium CV B
0587244: N97 Belgium CV W
0588507: N97 Denmark (DK) CV B
0587730: N97 Denmark (DK) CV W
0585951: N97 France CV B
0588183: N97 France CV W
0586701: N97 Germany (DE) CV B
0586702: N97 Germany (DE) CV W
0585169: N97 Globe PH B
0586199: N97 Malaysia CV B
0586297: N97 Malaysia CV W
0586706: N97 Norway (NO) CV B V1
0586707: N97 Norway (NO) CV W V1
0586082: N97 Pannon HU B
0585680: N97 Philippines (PH) CV B
0587483: N97 Philippines (PH) CV W
0589755: N97 Proximus BE B
0591558: N97 RM-505 3 AU AU White V1 GV
0591558: N97 RM-505 3 AU AU White V1 GV
0585162: N97 RM-505 Country Variant United Kingdom GB v3 Black
0585162: N97 RM-505 Country Variant United Kingdom GB v3 Black
0584965: N97 RM-505 MTN ZA Black V2
0584965: N97 RM-505 MTN ZA Black V2
0587692: N97 RM-505 Telenor Mobil NO NO Black v2
0587692: N97 RM-505 Telenor Mobil NO NO Black v2
0586703: N97 Russia CV B
0586704: N97 Russia CV W
0586577: N97 Spain (ES) CV B
0587860: N97 Spain (ES) CV W
0588067: N97 Tele2 NO B
0588063: N97 TeliaSonera SE B
0587247: N97 TMN PT B
0587371: N97 VF NL B
0585262: N97 VF UK B
0588469: N97 VF UK W
0585732: N97 Vodacom B V2