05.10.2011, 07:24
05.10.2011, 11:59
Wie 1 & 2 ?
Das is Anna selber da gibts noch kein Update weiter außer zu Anna zu wechseln.
Das is Anna selber da gibts noch kein Update weiter außer zu Anna zu wechseln.
05.10.2011, 14:20
Hier sind die Details zu den jeweiligen Updates:
Symbian Anna Update 1/2:
- Adobe (PDF) reader 10.00(245) http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...00_NOC.sis
- Quickoffice 6.04(460) http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...Office.sis
- QT 4.7.3 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_.../qt_pu.sis
- QT Mobility 1.1.3 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...ity_pu.sis
- Qt webkit 4.8.0 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...kit_pu.sis
- CPService_2.0.11119
- CWRTCore_1.0.11124
- LKM_1.0.11051
- ONSP_1.2.11120 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...ge_iad.sis
- OVI 1.0.11121 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...i-IAD.sisx
- SCP_2.0.11121
- SSOUI_1.3.11120
- SSO_1.3.11120
- SSOUserName_widget_1.0.0 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...Widget.sis
- ServiceProvider_1.0.11124
- CP_ launcher 2.1.1
- Veveo Indevice Search 2.39.201
Symbian Anna Update 2/2:
- 2.3.6 - NAC http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...signed.sis
- 13.2.24 - Ovi Music 1.1
- 3.6.688 - Maps 3 SR6
- OviMaps-OriginOfDownload-3.6.1
- SignInEnabler_92_1_0NOCS
- Maps_ODML
- Internet Radio 3.03(0) http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...n_urel.sis
- MS Communicator 2.01.369
- Psiloc font magnifier 3.2.0
- Shazam 3.01(0) http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...shazam.sis
- Jolkuspot 3.10
- Video Player 9.23(62)
- Here and Now 2.0.3
- Internet Search Engine 3.0.8
- Home Screen Search Widget 2.0.5
Additional SW Update:
- Ovi Store 2.12.042 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...2.042.sisx
- Social 1.3.237 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...37_IAD.sis
- NFC Sharing
- Angry Birds Free with Magic
Symbian Anna Update 1/2:
- Adobe (PDF) reader 10.00(245) http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...00_NOC.sis
- Quickoffice 6.04(460) http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...Office.sis
- QT 4.7.3 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_.../qt_pu.sis
- QT Mobility 1.1.3 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...ity_pu.sis
- Qt webkit 4.8.0 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...kit_pu.sis
- CPService_2.0.11119
- CWRTCore_1.0.11124
- LKM_1.0.11051
- ONSP_1.2.11120 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...ge_iad.sis
- OVI 1.0.11121 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...i-IAD.sisx
- SCP_2.0.11121
- SSOUI_1.3.11120
- SSO_1.3.11120
- SSOUserName_widget_1.0.0 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...Widget.sis
- ServiceProvider_1.0.11124
- CP_ launcher 2.1.1
- Veveo Indevice Search 2.39.201
Symbian Anna Update 2/2:
- 2.3.6 - NAC http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...signed.sis
- 13.2.24 - Ovi Music 1.1
- 3.6.688 - Maps 3 SR6
- OviMaps-OriginOfDownload-3.6.1
- SignInEnabler_92_1_0NOCS
- Maps_ODML
- Internet Radio 3.03(0) http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...n_urel.sis
- MS Communicator 2.01.369
- Psiloc font magnifier 3.2.0
- Shazam 3.01(0) http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...shazam.sis
- Jolkuspot 3.10
- Video Player 9.23(62)
- Here and Now 2.0.3
- Internet Search Engine 3.0.8
- Home Screen Search Widget 2.0.5
Additional SW Update:
- Ovi Store 2.12.042 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...2.042.sisx
- Social 1.3.237 http://download.arrow.nokia.com/p/d/fds_...37_IAD.sis
- NFC Sharing
- Angry Birds Free with Magic
21.10.2011, 23:36
Anna hat ein Service Pack Update (ca. 1040kb) + ein Geräte Update (ca. 970kb) bekommen.
Beides so ca. 1MB groß.
SW Version: 025.007
Es soll Verbesserungen in den Bereichen Performance, Usability, verbessertes Scrolling in den Mitteilungen, schnellere GPS Positionsbestimmung in der Kamera, uvm. bringen.
Beides so ca. 1MB groß.
SW Version: 025.007
Es soll Verbesserungen in den Bereichen Performance, Usability, verbessertes Scrolling in den Mitteilungen, schnellere GPS Positionsbestimmung in der Kamera, uvm. bringen.
22.10.2011, 14:54
jeb vor 4 Tagen kam es..........
23.10.2011, 10:47
Joa, ich wollte es ja hier nur mal erwähnt haben. ^^