Im Vergleich zum E61, E61i und HTC S630 schneidet das Nokia E71 recht "dünn" ab
Und hier sind noch mehr technische Daten des Nokia E71, die mittels NSysInfo aus dem Telefon ausgelesen worden sind:
RAM (free): 70.303.744 B
RAM (total): 115.605.504 B
ROM (size): 18.612.224 B
Phone memory (free): 115.732.480 B
Phone memory (total): 126.689.280 B
Flash memory (free): 6.363.996 B
flash memory (total): -2.139.368.311 B (?)
Processor type: ARM
Processor speed: 368.600 MHz
Screen resolution (max): 320 x 240 pixels
Number of colours: 16.777.216
Cover display: Not Supported
GSM: Supported
WCDMA: Supported
CDMA: Not Supported
Wi-Fi: Supported
USB: Supported
MMC: Supported
MMC Hotswap: Supported
Camera: Supported
Camera burst mode: Supported
MIDI: Supported
QWERTY Input: Supported
OpenGL ES and EGL: Supported
Flight mode: Not Supported
Offline mode: Supported
Infrared: Supported
Bluetooth: Supported
Bluetooth fax profile: Supported
Bluetooth imaging profile: Not Supported
SyncML device management standard: Supported
SyncML data synchronization standard: Supported
SVGT (Scalable Vector Graphics - Tiny): Supported
Audio Effects API: Supported
Audio Resource Indications Utility: Supported
Equalizer: Supported
USSD: Supported
Video Telephony: Supported
SIP Stack: Supported
QOS: Not Supported
IPSec: Supported
Location Landmarks API: Supported
Location basic services: Supported
Instant Messaging feature: Supported
Presence feature: Supported